BPN Sustainability Awards/ESD Connect

ESD Connect & Sustainability Awards 2015

ESD Connect & Sustainability Awards 2015

The future of environmentally sustainable design – BPN Architecture & Design hosted their annual Sustainability Awards Evening in October – recognising the best in sustainable building design from small commercial projects and residences right up to the largest and most spectacular sustainable buildings and product innovations. A resounding success, USG Boral sponsored the Multi-Density Residential Category and overall ‘Best of the Best’ Winner - Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects for their work on The Walumba Elders Centre in WA.

Earlier in the day, USG Boral attended the ESD Connect event for the first time - an exclusive invitation only event targeting residential and high-density architects, building designers and project managers with a specific interest in environmentally sustainable design. Structured around a series of rotating peer-to-peer tables of up to 8 executives the discussion focuses on key themes nominated by attendees and sponsor partners – on this occasion - ‘sound’ (acoustic) design in multi-residential construction. Each attendee is a senior decision maker or influencer with a remit to discuss issues relevant to their organisation’s future strategy.

Led by USG Boral ‘Technology expert’ Group Acoustic Engineer, Mark Debevc, Architectural Account Managers Maria Murace and Charles Barakat, and graciously moderated by Nicholas Tselios from Renzo Tonin & Associates, the peer-to-peer format provides the opportunity for in-depth engagement, demonstrating thought leadership and understanding the designers’ concerns and challenges with regard to ‘Sound Design’.