Drywall Home Manual (For Homeowners)

Knauf's Drywall System, an excellent choice for internal partitions for residential homes.

It complies to high-performance standards to acheive heavy duty, acoustic insulation, impact & moisture resistant and thermal functions.


4 Key benefits of Knauf's Drywall System:

  • Amazing Strength
    Knauf Drywall Systems are able to withstand the weight of heavy load applications such as televisions and cabinets as they have been stress tested for durability and resilience.
  • Exceptional Acoustics
    Homeowners get to enjoy undisturbed sleep and a higher level of privacy with the use of Knauf Drywall systems which can achieve STC rating of 45 to 50, surpasses traditional wet constructions.
  • Excellent Thermal Peformance
    Knauf Drywall system consist of low thermal conductivity and high thermal resistant properties, allowing homeowners to enjoy a comfortable yet cooling environment.
  • Ease of Decoration
    Homeowners are able to express their creativity by adding on various colours, patterns and textures onto the Knauf Drywall system as part of decorating their home.